Visa källkod

Nedanstående filer finns i denna katalog. Klicka på en fil för att visa dess innehåll.


  1. .buildpath
  2. .project
  3. CCard.php
  4. CCardHand.php
  5. CDeck.php
  6. argyle.jpg
  7. card.php
  8. common.php
  9. deck.php
  10. grunge.jpg
  11. hand.php
  12. index.php
  13. sessDest.php
  14. sessions.php
  15. sessions_mroos.php
  16. source.php
  17. template.php
  18. tiles.jpg

Stäng "source.php"


// ===============================================================
// Contents: Listar alla filer i en mapp och visar källkoden för
//           vald fil.
// Author: Staffan Lindsgård
// Notes: Baserat på originalkod av Mikael Roos. De ändringar som
//        gjorts är till för att göra slutresultatet mer
//        semantiskt korrekt och överlag mer funktionellt för min
//        layout.
// ===============================================================

// ===========================================================================================
// PListDirectory.php
// Description: An implementation of a PHP pagecontroller for a web-site.
// Shows a directory listning.
// Author: Mikael Roos

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Settings for this pagecontroller.

// Separator between directories and files, change between Unix/Windows
$SEPARATOR = '/'; 	// Unix, Linux, MacOS, Solaris
//$SEPARATOR = '\\'; 	// Windows 

// Show the content of files named config.php, except the rows containing DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD

// Which directory to use as basedir, end with separator

// The link to this page, usefull to change when using this pagecontroller for other things,
// such as showing stylesheets in a separate directory, for example.
$HREF = 'source.php?';

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Page specific code

$html = <<<EOD
				<h1>Visa källkod</h1>
				<p>Nedanstående filer finns i denna katalog. Klicka på en fil för att visa dess innehåll.</p>\n

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Verify the input variable _GET, no tampering with it
$currentdir	= isset($_GET['dir']) ? $_GET['dir'] : '';

$fullpath1 	= realpath($BASEDIR);
$fullpath2 	= realpath($BASEDIR . $currentdir);
$len = strlen($fullpath1);
if(	strncmp($fullpath1, $fullpath2, $len) !== 0 ||
	strcmp($currentdir, substr($fullpath2, $len+1)) !== 0 ) {
	die('Tampering with directory?');
$fullpath = $fullpath2;
$currpath = substr($fullpath2, $len+1);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show the name of the current directory
$start		= basename($fullpath1);
$dirname 	= basename($fullpath);
$html .= <<<EOD
				<p><a href='{$HREF}dir='>{$start}</a>{$SEPARATOR}{$currpath}</p>\n

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Open and read a directory, show its content
$dir 	= $fullpath;
$curdir1 = empty($currpath) ? "" : "{$currpath}{$SEPARATOR}";
$curdir2 = empty($currpath) ? "" : "{$currpath}";

$list = Array();
if(is_dir($dir)) {
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        	if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '.svn') {
        		$curfile = $fullpath . $SEPARATOR . $file;
        		if(is_dir($curfile)) {
          	  		$list[$file] = "<a href='{$HREF}dir={$curdir1}{$file}'>{$file}{$SEPARATOR}</a>";
          	  	} else if(is_file($curfile)) {
          	  	  $list[$file] = "<a href='{$HREF}dir={$curdir2}&amp;file={$file}'>{$file}</a>";


$html .= "				<ol>\n";
foreach($list as $val => $key) {
	$html .= "					<li>{$key}</li>\n";
$html .= "				</ol>\n";

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Show the content of a file, if a file is set
$dir 	= $fullpath;
$file	= "";

if(isset($_GET['file'])) {
	$file = basename($_GET['file']);

	$content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($dir . $SEPARATOR . $file, 'FILE_TEXT'));

	// Remove password and user from config.php, if enabled
	if($HIDE_DB_USER_PASSWORD == TRUE && $file == 'config.php') {

		$pattern[0] 	= '/(DB_PASSWORD|DB_USER)(.+)/';
		$replace[0] 	= '/* <em>\1,  is removed and hidden for security reasons </em> */ );';
		$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $content);
	$html .= <<<EOD
				<h2><a href='{$HREF}'>Stäng "{$file}"</a></h2>
				<pre class="code"><code>{$content}</code></pre>

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create and print out the html-page

$pagetitle = "Titta på källkod";
$customhead = "";


$html = <<< EOD

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
echo $html;
